This is just a trick to discourage the creation of pirated tapes of blockbuster movies. Source: In Hollywood, movies often embed a message, showing the date of projection and the beamer ID, much like the image above.
Therefore, for the sake of precision, let us bring out an instance where watermark plays an important role. In the absence of the later, the prior seems incomplete. Benefits of WatermarksĪs we all know, the clarity of a concept demands both definition and an example. In simple words, it’s a mark that best differentiates a creator from the rest. On successfully embedding it, one can rest assured that it will prevent Netizens from unlawfully stealing one’s intellectual property. Also, it’s an ingenious way to safeguard one’s copyright, simply by leaving behind a visible signature on demos, samples, or tutorials. Watermarks are visible stamps on media files i.e., pictures and videos, deliberately left by a company, a YouTuber, or a website to endorse themselves or their brand.